Thursday, June 7, 2012

Why is Content King?

            The saying going around the web is ‘Content is king’. But why? Content is nice for SEO, but is only one part of the puzzle – without quality links, a proper site design, and other tools, your great content will go unnoticed.

            Think about this, though – imagine you had a one on one meeting with your most important prospect. What would you say? What would you offer? Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to have that kind of face time? Here’s the reality – you do. Through your content.

            Great content is hard work, which is why less honorable marketers try to find a way around it. You may be able to get a Google PageRank of 1 (at least temporarily) through black-hat or questionable methods. But without good content, it won’t matter. It’s like getting in the door of your best prospect but having nothing to show them. Content isn’t just about rank. In fact, its primary purpose is completely different – the primary purpose of all content is to engage your prospects and customers.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Accounting For Twitter Churn in Your Content Strategy

Twitter recently released a paper detailing the very high frequency of changes in their top search queries and terms (churn). Typically, these trending topics follow high profile news events or current popular conversation. Surprisingly, Twitter found that almost 20 percent of the top search queries in a given hour won't be on top in the next hour. How can a Twitter content strategy account for this churn?

1. Post frequently. Like any highly active forum, it's easy to fall to the bottom. Post frequently using your key terms and content will keep you in the forefront of the conversation you are creating. With trending terms changing so often, don't try to follow the crowd - maintain your own voice and create a discussion that's relevant to your followers and potential clients.
         Caveat: Don't post the same tweet every two hours. Be creative and remember you are in a conversation - engage users in different ways about your chosen topic. 

2. Understand that metrics will be hard to capture. Twitter ROI is probably the hardest of any platform, because the community is so fluid and interaction and engagement changes so often. It's hard to capture the financial impact of building community in any case, and it's especially difficult when measurable term frequencies and ranks change so often. If you see Twitter as part of your overall social media engagement strategy, it will be easier to relax and let the relationships happen naturally.